Resize the company logo pictures for FB and Twitter

7:33 AM

I had to create a number of Facebook and Twitter accounts for oneof the companies where I am employed. As I had to put Avatars to eachand every new account. I therefore had to resize the company logos tofit the to the avatar dimensions..
It took me a bit of researchuntil I found the proper picture dimensions. Here are the dimensions:
For facebook page Avatar the good picture width / heightdimensions is a square like:
151x151 pixels
If however you prefer to have a sky scraper picture in Facebook,this is possible as thumbnail pictures up to 180×540 w/h pixelsare showing up in FB.
At most cases FaceBook automaticallyresizes the uploaded picture and generates a thumbnail which in mostpictures looks okay, however in some odd picture dimensions thepicture preview might be messy, so its better to ship the profile picin standard square size like 151×151/i>, 256×256, 313×313etc.
For Twitter page Avatar the fixed picture width / heightdimensions is:
73x73 pixels
Twitter Avatar Logo 73x73
In Twitter again the avatar picture should be a square like, tohave twitter during upload automatically resize and make a goodlooking pic thumbnail. If some picture with a non square dimensionsis uploaded as an Avatar for twitter account usually, twitter's picauto resize server side program chops parts of the picture. This isnot a bug but expected behaviour. In Twitter another requirement isthat the uploaded avatar image does not exceed 700kb, trying topuload a picture over 700k fails.
In both Facebook and Twitter the uploaded Avatar logo should be informat JPEG, GIF or PNG .
To resize the company logo picturesfor FB and Twitter, I used GIMP 's:
Image -> Scale Image
I've red some people claiming the size of the Avatar logo inFacebook could have some impact in terms of e-marketing, but I'm notsure if this is a fact or some false rumour. Anyways it is sure thata wide sky scraper like picture allows you to show more even from theprofile and maybe through the picture have larger influence over theaudience.

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