Install playsms and kannel on CentOS

5:27 PM
Playsms is a PHP based application programming language that can be used to send and receive SMS. SMS sending form a single SMS can be done, ie sending an SMS to a mobile phone number, can also be broadcast SMS where SMS is sent to a group that has been defined by the user. In the first group may consist of one or more phone numbers. While the form of SMS revenues that are available are SMS received can be directly routed to an email or input box, inbox, can also be directly displayed in a html page of the SMS Board, can be used as input to hold the vote, polls or quizzes, known as SMS Poll, and can also be directed to execute a desired program on the server and get the result, known as SMS Command. In this tutorial the author uses playsms version 0.9.3 and not the last version (0.9.4) since the last version did not include a script for kannel but only scripts for gnokii only. Here is the installation on centos playsms:

# yum install php-pear-DB
# adduser playsms
# passwd playsms
# wget
# cd playsms-0.9.3
# mkdir /var/www/html/playsms
# cp -R web/* /var/www/html/playsms
# mysql -u root -p
# mysql -u root -p playsms < /root/playsms-0.9.3/db/playsms.sql
# cd /var/www/html/playsms/
# cp config-dist.php config.php
Rubahlah file config.php pada bagian password untuk root di mysql. Berikut adalah file config.php penulis:
# vi config.php
$db_param['type'] = ‘mysql’;            // database engine
$db_param['host'] = ‘localhost’;        // database host/server
$db_param['port'] = ”;                 // database port
$db_param['user'] = ‘root’;             // database username
$db_param['pass'] = ’123456′;           // database password
$db_param['name'] = ‘playsms’;          // database name
$db_param['pref'] = ‘playsms’;          // table’s prefix without trailing underscore
Kemudian lakukan pengopian:
# cd /root/playsms-0.9.3/bin/
# cp kannel_incoming /usr/local/bin/
# cp playsmsd playsmsd.php playsmsd_start /usr/local/bin/
# cp playsms /etc/default/
# service httpd restart
Buka browser dan ketikkan:
# http://localhost(ip)/playsms
downloads playsms free sms gateway

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how do i configure this to get sms from my modem which is huawei e1552


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