Version 0.9.3 – 080520
- PHP PEAR PEAR-DB are removed from playSMS package, install them manually
- lib/fn_sendsms.php, websend2pv(), websend2group() returns array
- fix mobile2uid() in lib/fn_user.php returns wrong value, should be $uid
- fix locating base application path, previously failed to autodetect
- fix admin editing user, previously sender id was not shown correctly
- fix sms_poll not handling keyword correctly, sms_poll_handle()
- fix playsmsd process, changes to config file and php sources not updated
- fix HTTP API, input.php, ta=pv returns “OK” followed by smslog_id
- fix keep sending as SIM message, in kannel gateway, fn.php
- change logger behaviour
- add new plugin/feature, sms_quiz
- add new plugin/feature, sms_subscribe
- add new plugin/feature, sms_autosend
- add new hookable function, lib/fn_sendsms.php, sendsms()
- add new hookable function, lib/fn_core.php, playsmsd()
- remove target_keyword from gateways, setsmsincomingaction()
Get the code, install it and use it on your own. Never forget to contribute back OK, even if it has to be on a smallest, simplest, easiest way.. feedbacks !how to install-playsms-and-kannel
playSMS v0.9.3,
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