step by step setting multi wan 2 isp on pfsense
*** Welcome to pfSense 1.2-RC3-pfSense on pfsense ***
LAN * -> fxp0 -> NONE
OPT1 (OPT1) -> fxp1 -> NONE
OPT2 (OPT2) -> fxp2 -> NONE
WAN * -> fxp3 -> NONE
OPT3 (OPT3) -> fxp4 -> NONE
pfSense console setup
0) Logout (SSH only)
1) Assign Interfaces
2) Set LAN IP address
3) Reset the password webConfigurator
4) Reset to factory defaults
5) Reboot the system
6) Halt system
7) Ping host
9) PFtop
10) Filter Logs
11) Restart webConfigurator
12) pfSense PHP shell
13) Upgrade from console
Enter an option:
Furthermore, the processes carried out are:
1. Setting the LAN to get into the WEB Admin with option No. ways. 1 (Assign Interfaces)
Capable VLAN interfaces:
LAN * -> fxp0 -> NONE
OPT1 (OPT1) -> fxp1 -> NONE
OPT2 (OPT2) -> fxp2 -> NONE
WAN * -> fxp3 -> NONE
OPT3 (OPT3) -> fxp4 -> NONE
pfSense console setup
0) Logout (SSH only)
1) Assign Interfaces
2) Set LAN IP address
3) Reset the password webConfigurator
4) Reset to factory defaults
5) Reboot the system
6) Halt system
7) Ping host
9) PFtop
10) Filter Logs
11) Restart webConfigurator
12) pfSense PHP shell
13) Upgrade from console
Enter an option:
Furthermore, the processes carried out are:
1. Setting the LAN to get into the WEB Admin with option No. ways. 1 (Assign Interfaces)
Capable VLAN interfaces:
fxp0 00:50:8 b: 9a: da: 9a (up)fxp1 00: d0: b7: 15:56: fafxp2 00: a0: c9: b3: a2: 4
fxp3 00: d0: b7: 15:54:05
d(up)0: d0: b7: 15:66: ecfxp4
Enter the parent interface name for the new VLAN (or nothing if finished): fxp0
Enter the VLAN tag (1-4094): 1
Then fill the NIC who detected / subsequent written like the above, for example VLAN: VLAN = fpx1 or wl01. Or leave with an empty value and press enter.
Furthermore LAN settings
Enter the LAN interface name or 'a' for auto-detection: fxp0Enter the WAN interface name or 'a' for auto-detection: ^
WAN settings for interchangeable we passed at first because of interchangeable settings via the Web Console if you eat it sdh completed in the setting. For that we just leave with an empty value and press enter.
2. Setting LAN IP Address. Choose 2) Set LAN IP Address
Enter the new LAN IP address:
Subnet masks are Entered as bit counts (as in CIDR notation) in pfSense.e.g. = 24 = 16 = 8
Enter the new LAN subnet bit count: 24
Do you want to enable the DHCP server on LAN [y | n]? n
IP Address =, Subnet Mask = 24 ( and to my morbidly DHCP is enabled.
Dr. I usually experience we will be confused network cards which one recognizable as a LAN Because there are poly-NIC. For that I am doing testing in turn connect with existing NIC and ping to the LAN network. Choose the console CLI pd no 8 (Shell) and do a ping to another PC on the LAN. After putting up signs in the know on the NIC.
3. Furthermore, we can set through the Web Console access with address.
Username: admin
Password: pfsense (default)
4. Setting the WAN's Address to the ISP
Next click the Interfaces -> WAN IP Address settings for an ISP
IP Address: SaveNext click the Interfaces -> OPT1 for setting the IP Address the ISP 2 (Speedy)Enable options OPT1: ONIP Address:
Click Save
5. Setting DNS
Click on System -> General Setup
DNS1: (provider-a)DNS2: (provider-b)
6. DNS Settings Path Route
Click on System - Static Route -> +
WAN: Indosat
Interfaces: WAN
Destination Network: Telkom SpeedyInterfaces: OPT1Destination Network:
The result is like the following:
Click the button Applay Changes
7. Setting Load Balancer
Click on Services -> Load Balancer -> +
Name: Balancer
Type: Gateway
Behavior: Load Balancing
Monitor IP: Other -> eg the contents with DNS:
Interfaces Name: WAN
Click Add to poll
Continue filling the ISP IP monitor to 2
Monitor IP: Other ->
Interfaces Name: OPT1
Click Add to poll
Click Save
To maximize employment, IP Monitor IP Address should be sought across the ISP's router there dr router position in the fastest and closest office who should not encounter problems with the IP and DNS. Can be in the know with melakukn trace route to the ISP's DNS
The results such as the following fig
8. Setting Firewall Rules
Click Firewall -> Rules
Next do the following configuration:
A. Setting the LANAction: PassInterface: LANProtocol: TCPSource: Type = LAN SubnetDestination: Type = anyGateway: BalancerClick Save & Apply Changes
B. WAN Settings -> Link Indosat
Action: PassInterface: WANProtocol: TCPSource: Type = LAN SubnetDestination: Type = WAN AddressGateway: Save & Apply Changes
B. Setting OPT1 -> Link Speedy
Action: PassInterface: OPT1Protocol: TCPSource: Type = LAN SubnetDestination: Address Type = OPT1Gateway: Save & Apply Changes
This documentation only describes the basic settings in pfsense dr Load Balancing. Many more who could do with functions of a firewall, routing, aliasing, grout, incoming balancing, bandwidth management. This information can dig pd website.
source : konfigurasi-loadbalancing-pfsense
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