It can also crack cpmask’ed images.
Install fcrackzip in ubuntu
sudo apt-get install fcrackzip
This will complete the installation
fcrackzip Syntax
fcrackzip [-bDBchVvplum2] [--brute-force] [--dictionary] [--benchmark] [--charset characterset] [--help] [--validate] [--verbose] [--init-password string/path] [--length min-max] [--use-unzip] [--method name] [--modulo r/m] file…
fcrackzip Examples
fcrackzip -c a -p aaaaaa
checks the encrypted files in for all lowercase 6 character passwords (aaaaaa … abaaba … ghfgrg … zzzzzz).
fcrackzip --method cpmask --charset A --init AAAA test.ppm
checks the obscured image test.ppm for all four character passwords. -TP fcrackzip -D -p passwords.txt check for every password listed in the file passwords.txt.
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